The Beast and False Prophet of Revelation 13
All Scripture below is from the New King James Version, Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved.
This document was written in 2022, and is not associated with any denomination or secular organization. Please feel free to share a link to it.
Bible prophecy is an incredible thing, a True foretelling of future events. And while it’s true that most of the Bible's prophecies have already been fulfilled, there are still some extremely critical events whose fulfillment is in process, even now.
From Amos 3:7, “Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.”
Why does God do this - give certain messages to selected prophets of His to speak to the people ? By Mercy, God does it to give ample information, including warnings, to those who would be Saved. He tells them what they are to watch for. And as it comes to pass, the people have proof the prophecy is from God, and not a false prophet.
God's Faithful prophets are enabled to hear God by the Holy Spirit's presence within them. Jesus tells us about this in John 16:13 (emphasis added): “However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.”
2 Peter 1:21 also shares this: “…for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.”
Also, besides the Holy Spirit, God can even send Angels to His prophets, as He did to the Apostle John, the one who wrote the Book of Revelation late in the first century A.D. John was one of the original Apostles of Christ. He also wrote the Book of John, one of the Bible’s Four Gospels of Jesus Christ (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John).
This document specifically has to do with the Book of Revelation, Chapter 13, which we can easily see is being fulfilled in front of our eyes today, as we head into the final reckoning for this worn-out world.
In our Verse-by-Verse discussion of Revelation 13, Verses will be offset in blue for clarity.
------- Revelation 13, Verse 1 -------
1 Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name.
To note first, hereafter in this document, this “Beast of the Sea” will simply be described as “the Beast”.
Next let’s define “the sea”. From Revelation 17:15, which describes a similar Beast in a slightly different way, this sea is also described as “the waters”, meaning “peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues”. In other words, a “sea” of humanity of all sorts.
Back to Revelation 13, we see that the Beast is multi-headed, with multiple “horns”. The fact that the Beast is multi-headed means it’s not just represented by a singular entity, but by multiple independent entities, yet in coordination with one another in some way (since they are part of the same Beast). And, typically in the Bible, “horn” denotes some sort of power.
So what are these entities, the independent-yet-coordinated heads of the Beast that have some kind of power ?
Ah. This has been clarified greatly over the last few decades. We can easily see now, with hindsight, that the Beast is made up of self-serving, super-rich Western globalists who to appoint themselves kings over the earth, who literally now own the immoral Western governments, all in their quest to dictate a “New World Order”.
By “immoral Western governments”, we mostly mean of nations in North America, Europe, and Oceania typically associated with supposed-Christianity, but which surely do not keep the Commandments of God and testimony of Jesus Christ.
(Other nations somewhat heavily involved with the West include Israel, Japan, South Korea, and some Pacific Island nations; but at the time of this writing, they are not yet coordinated in lockstep with “the West” as much as the nations in the paragraph above.)
So how does the Beast “own” these governments ? Sadly, it’s done fairly easily. In the politically Western countries of the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and almost all of Europe, government leaders are elected and accept money to run their political campaigns.
So from the very first money a prospective elected official accepts from any Beast entity, they are beholden to the Beast, and are expected do its bidding. If they do not, they’ll be treated as any other enemy of the Beast, and either:
- get no more money and will quickly fade away (the safest outcome for those early in their careers)
- or be forcibly removed by blackmail or false accusations (for those more embedded in their careers)
- or sometimes be murdered (either before or after the Beast imprisons them, to set them as examples for any others who would try to be like them).
In other words, if an aspiring politician doesn’t continue to take Beast’s money, the Beast will destroy them. If they do continue to take the Beast’s political bribes, the Beast will enrich them even further. (And don’t forget, there are many ways to bribe.)
Keep in mind that power is more addictive than money, and too many weak-character people would rather literally die than lose whatever little political power they can get, especially if it also comes with money.
So even if a bribe-taker did not initially buy into all that the Beast was selling, they still become willing to rationalize within themselves the Beast’s sales pitch - to the point of actually propagating the Beast’s lies - in order to “have it all”, even if they have to remain in the Beast’s cobweb while willfully ignoring their own eternity in Hell Fire.
The addiction for such weak-willed, low-character human beings is like a drug user who first uses marijuana, then cocaine, and then heroin, each jump to increase the “high” that is no longer satisfied by the former drug. For them, it starts with money, then power over others, and after that’s not “intense enough”, trying to replace God.
In so doing, they end up on the wrong side of this: “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” - Jesus in Mark 8:36-37
Truly, the best thing is to avoid taking any money from the mafia-like Beast in the first place, and relying on the Truth to get people to vote for you. But sadly, too many politicians do not do that, and end up beholden to the Beast. This is why Western leaders so often do the exact opposite of what rational-thinking people would do.
It’s also why you see many long-term politicians being so evil, because living a lie destroys human beings from the inside out over all the many years they inwardly defy their own, by then greatly muted, God-given Spirit.
With very few exceptions (notably US President Donald Trump whom the Beast did its best to destroy), if it seems like the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and almost the entirety of Europe, often act in immoral concert with one another, that’s because they do. And that’s because too many of them are run by their bosses, the heads of the Beast of Revelation 13; and sadly also by their own addiction to power, riches, and perhaps even fame.
But specifically, who are these bosses, the “heads” of the Beast ?
The heads of the Beast of Revelation 13 include Western leadership of: Big Religion, Big Banking and Investment Funds, Big Business, Big Messaging (Media/Tech/Hollywood), Big Medical, Big Energy, Big Money Individuals (like Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros, Gates, etc.), among others, each with "spheres of influence" over human lives.
There are estimates that between 1000 to 10000 (at most) people hold some sway in the hierarchy of the Beast, acting in coordination toward the same goal - a world that their small group controls. And it is a certainty that every single one of them hate God and are led by Satan, both individually and by group, as we will see.
It’s quite an understatement to say that being Godless and bored while rich is no way to get to Heaven.
“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” - Jesus in Mark 10:25
That said, to clarify further, the entity called the World Economic Forum (WEF) at this time is the most public face of the Beast, pushing the Beast’s agenda through the many business and governmental partners it claims. Its current leader at the time of this writing is a devil named “Klaus Schwab” (but he also has very evil sidekicks, like demon Yavul Harari).
Klaus even boasts of the WEF being deeply embedded in many Western governments, through the WEF’s “Young Global Leaders” initiative (it also has a “junior” version, “Global Shapers”!), the most likely starting point for the bribes to aspiring politicians whom the WEF chooses not for their humility, but for their easily-manipulated vanity.
From there, the devil-led WEF merely compliments these immature young people - aspiring politicians and business people - into believing what they already believe about themselves: that they’re literally better than everyone else, destined to be “future world leaders”. And so they drink in the WEF’s sin-filled agenda, accept the fake resumes provided by the WEF, and begin taking bribes and other riches and perks, all with the implied understanding that the WEF can destroy them if they’ve already accepted the Beast’s “favors” but don’t keep doing the Beast’s work. With such “motivators” in place prompting the Beast’s desired behaviors, these so-called “Young Global Leaders” (and “Shapers”!) then attempt to push the Beast’s agenda into their own nation’s politics and culture. Simple!
Of course, if the WEF could not find such vain, low-character people in the first place, the Beast would cease to exist. But since hatred of God is so prevalent in this world - most especially in Western nations - it makes it easy to find some self-centered people to puff up, give them a lot of money, and have them cause great harm.
The good news: Some do escape the WEF - if they mature quickly enough and realize the evil of the WEF’s agenda.
The bad news: These escapees seem to be the minority of the WEF’s participants.
Thus the WEF is not only the public “face” of the Beast, but also its “marketing arm” as it tries to sell the Beast’s agenda to the public, and also its “recruiting arm”, as it seeks out new business people and politicians, and even university students, through whom to carry the Beast’s evil agenda into Western culture and governments.
But the WEF has a sinister older brother: The Bilderberg Group (BBG), which is much more secretive, and provides more behind-the-scenes “muscle”, and methods, for the Beast’s agenda. Their meetings include not only the richest Western globalists and politicians, but also invited are the unelected heads of various Western government agencies like the CIA and MI6 and FBI, along with some Western military leaders whom the Beast also uses to do its bidding.
We should quickly note that the Beast LOVES the unelected bureaucracies (agencies) of Western governments. As the evil Klaus Schwab brags, “We penetrate ze cabinetz !” And the Beast loves them for three reasons. One, they can be bought (or blackmailed) like their elected counterparts. Two, they can be used to keep elected counterparts in line (with the Beast’s agenda), in case any elected official gets uppity and wants to try some ideas of their own. And three, they have almost as much power as their elected counterparts, yet unelected power is almost impossible to get rid of. Sure, the agency head can be replaced by a new elected administration; but too many of the embedded underlings beneath that are those whom the Beast owns, the ones who “gently guide” any relatively new, inexperienced agency head toward the Beast’s agenda (or else!).
(Speaking of evil Western agencies, why would any non-Western country even allow a US Embassy to exist on their soil at this point ? Because US embassies often contain CIA agents who direct (and pay) their NGOs in that nation to destabilize the country ! Surely international agreements are one thing; but national suicide is another.)
Well, because of the clandestine nature and the groups involved at BBG meetings, it’s no surprise that the BBG is also the true agenda-setter for the Beast, directing not only the WEF (the evil Klaus Schwab and sidekicks are also Bilderbergers), but also the Western nations in general, beginning with the US government and its agencies.
(To note, the BBG has tried to paint itself more “mainstream” in recent years, putting out a website that has things like their publicly-declared participants list and agenda for their annual meeting. But this is mostly diversion, trying to convince the public that BBG meetings are just invitees casually discussing world events, and that’s it.
But it’s no surprise that the “attendees list” is purposely incomplete, as proven by the fact that some of the highest-ranking Bilderbergers (and others) NOT on the list also show up at the annual meetings.
And why are they not on the publicly-declared list ?
Because those who take the lead in plotting the BBG’s annual agenda for the world don’t want you to know they run the show. And sadly, we do have to take these wicked people seriously, since the BBG Beast mafia does have enough money to bribe and/or blackmail many evil people in this world to carry out their agenda, as we’ve all seen !)
That said, there are also a small number of other similar groups - e.g. The Trilateral Commission, The Council on Foreign Relations (a still-existing earlier version of the BBG mostly focused on manipulating the foreign policy of nations) - with similar members and big business “partners”, which act in concert with the BBG and WEF.
To those not yet aware, keep in mind the Beast’s motives: They pretend to care about people in words (never-ending buzzwords that is), but like their father, the devil, they deceive. After all, even Satan pretends to be an “angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14).
But the Truth is that they actually hate God and people. They have killed many people already, and will kill many more in their quest to own and control everything. Even so, know this: those who fight against God will never defeat God. Thus, God will destroy the Beast at the End when Jesus comes back; and not only the Beast, but also those who “follow the Beast”. More on that later.
Now, the last thing from Verse 1 regarding the Beast is that the Beast’s heads have a blasphemous name. This simply means all the folks who are a part of the Beast hate God, as discussed already.
So as we can see, Verse 1 lays the groundwork for understanding the nature of the Beast, which is very important in our understanding of Revelation 13. Not all Verses need this level of discussion, but some do.
------- Revelation 13, Verse 2 -------
2 Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority.
This modern Beast is compared to a conglomeration of the first three beasts of Daniel 7 - a lion, a bear, and a leopard - which in Daniel 7 represented three powerful and ungodly earthly kingdoms which existed prior to the time of Christ (Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece).
The obvious significance of this is that this Beast of Revelation 13 is just as bad and and worse against the children of God than any of those former kingdoms were individually, and even multiplied !
And who is the “dragon” who gave this Beast his power ?
In Revelation 12:7-9 (emphasis added), it tells us: “And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”
So obviously the dragon is “that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan”.
Wait. There was a war in Heaven ? Yes ! Even before the earth was formed. And Michael, described in other places of the Bible as a mighty Archangel, was the leader of the good Angels fighting on God’s side in that war. On the bad side was Satan (who was perfect until he sinned), along with one-third of the Angels in Heaven (Revelation 12:4) who followed Satan in his rebellion against God. Satan and his evil Angels were kicked out of Heaven and down to this earth after that.
(Note: God gives free-will to all His beings, even Angels. So yes, even Angels can sin; although none in Heaven do, or they would have been cast down to the earth with Satan and his evil Angels, who still continuously tempt human beings to sin as well. It doesn’t mean we have to take their suggestions !)
So the dragon is simply the devil, or Satan as he’s called. And Satan was also the serpent in the Garden of Eden who temped Eve to sin, as he has for every human being since that time. Does this mean we too have to sin ? No ! In fact, according to Jesus Christ Himself, it’s only those who repent, forgive others, and are moving foward on the Narrow Path, giving up all sin habits, who will get taken to Heaven. Why ? Because they’re the only ones who Truly Love God and others !
So in summary, Verse 2 basically says the devil is the the boss of the Beast, whether those self-serving, super-rich Western globalists and the immoral Western governments they own ever acknowledge that fact or not.
------- Revelation 13, Verse 3 -------
3 And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast.
One of the Beast’s heads was seemingly mortally wounded, meaning it would have passed away and been no more… but somehow his deadly wound healed.
If we review the various kinds of entities of this Beast, we see that one of them is Big Religion, meaning the Big false Christian Religion of West, and that none of the other entities seem to have almost died in any way. But if that is the case, exactly how did Big false Christian Religion almost die ? And how was it healed ?
Before we start, let’s ask: Who is generally more evil - “little” people or their leaders ? Not that there’s not a decent leader once in a great while, but certainly, most honest individuals would know it’s those in power who are usually more evil than their underlings. This does not mean underlings don’t sin, but only that the powerful are even more Godless. And it’s no different in Big Religion: the more powerful, generally the more sinful.
That said, let’s be very straightforward here: Big fake Religion in the West is headed by the Roman Catholic Church. The Protestants protested for a little while, but ever since they too decided to ignore God’s Commandments, sin has been the result, and Western society has become increasingly, exceedingly, immoral due to the inaction of all these churches - from the Catholic Church on down - to do their job.
Yes, corrupted churches and their followers do some things right. They’re against abortion (murdering babies) for now at least, and that’s good ! But it’s not what we do right or a few “good works” here or there that get us to Heaven. After all, God is not mocked. We’re supposed to do right, not for a reward but by Love for God and others.
It’s what we keep willfully doing wrong in sin, by not bothering to know or keep the rest of God’s Commandments («link!), that gets us sent to the undesirable place (Hell Fire). We are all called to “sin no more”, just as Jesus says.
Aside: For those truly interested in a real relationship with God, simply read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in a real Bible - like the King James Version (KJV) or the New King James Version (NKJV) - to learn and do what Jesus teaches. («link!)
Starting with the head, any Pope is exceedingly blasphemous, starting with the false pretense that he, a mere sinful man, can supposedly stand in God’s and/or Jesus’ place on earth (he can’t).
Then there’s the pretentious, self-exalting flowing robes trying to signify “religious authority”, which Christ even warned the masses about in His day.
“Beware of the scribes, who desire to go around in long robes, love greetings in the marketplaces, the best seats in the synagogues, and the best places at feasts, who devour widows’ houses, and for a pretense make long prayers. These will receive greater condemnation.” - Jesus in Mark 12:38-40
In addition, the Pope and his own also love being referred to as “father”, which Christ expressly forbids in regard to religious titles (we have one Father, God).
“But you, do not be called ‘Rabbi’; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren. Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ.” - Jesus in Matthew 23:8-10
Again, this is solely in regard to religious titles, not “fathers” as in “prior generations”, or even our own dads. This is not to say we can’t learn things from our elders (whether dead or alive). But those who use “Father” as a religious title (or even “Reverend” for that matter) are obviously more enamored with the “religious” position they’ve carved out for themselves in the eyes of men, than being mere humble servants who keep God in His proper place as our only Father. If they actually were humble, they would know what Jesus said and why He said it, and steer well clear of such self-exaltation.
After all, if “what men say” disagrees with what Jesus says, Whom shall we believe ?
And if someone refuses to even follow a simple, clear instruction from Jesus, how would they be trustworthy in anything more ?
After all, “He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.” - Jesus in Luke 16:10
But the untrustworthy and unjust Catholic Church leadership scans the Scriptures for anything they can use to give themselves “religious power”, and willfully mis-discerns Paul in 1 Corinthian 4:15 (who was merely reminding his followers how he brought them up in the Gospel like a father would his children) in such a way as to have their mangled version of Paul disagree with Jesus, by pretending Paul was claiming “Father” as a religious title !
Do they not even know that ALL Scripture must be kept, and NONE thrown out ?
So instead of using what Jesus - the foremost Authority in ALL things - explicity instructs in this matter, in order to discern what Paul meant (and it’s obvious anyway to any halfway-decent-hearted person what Paul meant), they mangle Paul and cast out Jesus for the sake of their own self-indulgence ! It’s truly an abuse of both Jesus and Paul.
But never once did Paul ever tell anyone to call him “Father” as a religious title, nor is there any Bible proof of such a thing, either by him or any of his followers.
But the Catholic Church doesn’t care. They will forever twist Scripture and blatantly ignore what Christ teaches, if in their mind it gives them some kind of power over the masses.
Their blood is on their own head, for, as Paul says in 2 Timothy 3:16, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness…”. Therefore, no Scripture can be thrown out. And just as certainly, no one can override what Jesus says, period.
Truly, if they can’t even do a proper Bible study in good-heartedness, by using what Jesus teaches in the Gospels first, in order to discern the rest of Scripture to be in line with what Jesus teaches, then why should anyone trust them with anything more ?
Moving on, the Pope and his ilk also suggest idolatry to Catholics, by telling them to bow or pay reverence to statues, carvings, engraved images, and such. (They often refer to these objects as “icons” to deceive their people away from the word “idol”… which an “icon” becomes the instant someone lifts their heart up to or talks to it.)
They also tell their own to worship and pray to Angels, and even to people, both alive and dead, instead of only to God and Jesus, thereby placing the creation above the Creators - another form of idolatry expressly forbidden in the Bible.
To say the Catholic Church makes an idol out of Jesus’ mother, Mary, would be a vast understatement.
Then there’s this: going way back to the early centuries AD, the early Roman Church tried to make up their own “sabbath”, that is, “the Catholic sabbath” (Sunday), instead of the ONLY Sabbath in the entire Bible FOR EVERYONE - Old Testament and New, Genesis through Revelation, Jews and Gentiles alike, even to be kept in Heaven (Isaiah 66) - the Seventh Day Sabbath, Friday evening through Saturday evening, the very Sabbath specified in the Fourth Commandment. Please, do a little research and prove to yourself… there is NO other valid Sabbath rest in the Bible for anyone !
And the power-seeking Catholic Church only did this to increase their membership, even by un-Scriptural means, because there were many sun-worshippers in the Roman Empire at that time whom the Catholic leaders wanted to claim as their own; but the pagans worshipped on their day, yes, SUN-day. So, to not make it too “inconvenient” for the pagans to walk right into the “church” with little or no heart change, the false church changed their now-false sabbath day to Sunday.
Believe it or not, even some Catholic leaders have acknowledged that this change is not based in Scripture, but the “church” simply assumed the “authority” to do it, similar to how their un-Scriptural “infant baptism” was a way to get, literally, brand new “members” right out of the womb.
It’s quite apparent that the Catholic Church leaders don’t care about Scripture, but only about how many people they can claim power over. Of course, they rationalized their false sabbath to the existing Christians at that time (and also since then) by slyly claiming two things - that they no longer wanted “the Jewish Sabbath” (ignoring the fact that God made the Sabbath day way back at the very beginning, on the seventh day of creation week (Genesis 2:2), almost 2000 years before any Jew ever existed); and that they wanted to “honor Jesus’ Resurrection” which occurred on a Sunday (as though one couldn’t honor Jesus in every aspect on the proper Bible Sabbath, and also ignoring the fact the Jesus Himself rested in the tomb from Sabbath Friday evening to Saturday evening AFTER the unchangeable New Covenant was sealed in His Blood !)
Well, resentment of “the Jews” for murdering Jesus (whom Christ Himself said in John 19:11 had the “greater sin” in the matter of His Crucifixion) is no excuse for ignoring God’s Word and trying to replace it with another.
The Catholic Church leadership refers to the “Jewish Sabbath” as though it’s beneath contempt, but like all the Commandments, the Fourth One also applies to everyone, and for all time.
Jesus Himself tells us that the Sabbath was made for man (mankind), not for just this group of men or that. And God’s Fourth Commandment itself says that even animals shall be rested on the Sabbath. Let’s ask: Are animals Jewish ?
The only false “sabbath” is the un-Scriptural Catholic sabbath, that is, Sunday, no matter what reason they give to pretend it’s okay.
For even King Saul in the Old Testament took a direct commandment of God’s and modified it to suit himself, also claiming, like the Catholic Church does with their Sunday “sabbath”, that he only did it that way because his people wanted to worship God ! Not only did that rationalization for ignoring an explicit Commandment of God’s end up in death for Saul, but also for his sons who were with him.
Any attempt to change God's Commandments to worship Him as we please, instead of how He wants us to worship Him, is not worshipping God at all. As with Saul, our pride ends as suicide.
Jesus also reinforces this in Mark 7:5-13 and Matthew 15:1-9, when He explicity warned against using “tradition” and "commandments of men" instead of God's Commandments, telling the Pharisees:
“Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying:
‘These people draw near to Me with their mouth,
And honor Me with their lips,
But their heart is far from Me.
And in vain they worship Me,
Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ ”
And, “All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition.”
Not that the truly ignorant regarding the proper Sabbath won’t be forgiven; but really, who, once knowing, should be found contending with Jesus ?!
As for the Jews who reject Christ, don’t worry. Just knowing the proper Bible Sabbath won’t save them in the Day of Judgement. For it’s not what we do right that Saves us; it’s what we willfully keep doing wrong in sin that dooms us to an ending in Hell Fire.
Don’t we think God will hold the Christ-rejecting Jews accountable for refusing His Son ? Don’t we think God notices that they are way over-represented in the hierarchy of the Beast relative to their 0.2% portion of the global population, and could even be more than 50% of the overall Beast hierarchy, and even much more than that at the highest levels of it ?
God surely knows the nefarious activities of the Synagogue of Satan ! That’s why Jesus Himself refers to the Christ-rejecting Jews that way (twice!) in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.
But rest assured, no one who knowingly rejects Christ will be Saved. No one.
How do we know ? Simply consider the Parable of the Great Supper, spoken by Jesus in Luke 14: The invited guests - representing the Jews who would later reject Christ - refused to go to the supper, which itself represented the kingdom of God (Luke 14:15). Therefore the One giving the supper - representing God - declared, “For I say to you that none of those men who were invited shall taste my supper.”
This clearly means that no Jew who rejects Christ will be Saved. No true-hearted person can deny this !
And also in Luke 19, in the Parable of the Minas, Jesus said, “But bring here those enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, and slay them before me.”
If words have any meaning at all, it is clear that anyone who willfully rejects Christ from reigning over them will be “slain” (meaning cast into Hell Fire, which is also known as the “second death”), and in front of Christ whom they rejected. The Book of Revelation also agrees with Luke - Jesus will witness the wicked being cast into Hell.
Therefore, God does NOT accept willful rejection of His Son… either by the Jews or anyone else, including the Catholic Church leadership who tries to replace Christ by their own false teachings and traditions meant to mislead the flock.
Anyway, beyond just a wrongful “sabbath”, to add to the Catholic Church’s blasphemy, their people are also told to confess their sins to a "religious" leader, who pretends he has the authority to stand in God's Place to “declare” people’s sins forgiven (he can’t, he can only tell them that God and Jesus will forgive them if their repentance is true); or even worse, to assign some sort of “penance” to the confessor, thereby suggesting Christ’s shed blood is not sufficient for them (yes, we should replace things we stole, and correct any lies, and make other things right, if possible, with those we’ve sinned against, but not to “pay off our sins” at a price determined by a “religious leader”).
Truly, all these abominable things and more that men have made up in an attempt to replace God… they are sin against God and Jesus, period !
Let’s face it, the Pope pretends to care about the poor in words, while he himself lives in the lap of luxury, even having his own nation ! Christ-like ? No… quite the opposite !
(A reminder: Most Catholics, especially the “little people”, although they are misled by their leaders, are not like the Pope. They too should go straight to Jesus’ Word in the Bible… which would also help them see the sly deceptions in their catechism manuals.)
And the Protestant leadership ? They don’t even protest anymore. And if you went to their churches and tried to preach God’s Commandments, they would throw you out. The Protestant churches are mostly now just “social clubs” that preach little but fake “love” with almost no Truth, so as not to offend their still sin-seeking members.
And let’s also not forget the “Orthodox” churches (Eastern, Greek, Russian, etc.), which broke off from the Roman Catholic Church centuries ago. While they exist mostly in the more Eastern part of the world, they have many adherents in the West, and also keep many of the Roman church’s sinful traditions. By going against what Christ teaches, their leaders - without repentance - won’t escape their fate, either.
Well, it’s not the intent of this document to get mired in every aspect of the Big false Religion of the West.
Just keep this in mind: Like getting one’s news from the Western “mainstream” press, getting one’s doctrine from Western mainstream “Christian” churches these days means receiving partial Truth, many lies, and willful ignorance of other vital things one needs to know for the complete picture of Love and Truth in full equal measure.
Therefore, as stated before, read the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in a real Bible - like the KJV or the NKJV - to first know and then do what Jesus Christ teaches. And then use those Books for discerning the rest of Scripture, knowing all Scriptural discernment must conform to the Gospels. Be warned: as noted before, many false Christians push the use of other Scripture in a way that often disagrees with Jesus. That is why we must know the Gospels well, for they help us discern Truth from error. After all, who should we follow: Jesus, the sinless Son of God who never lies and is never wrong ? Or motive-driven men and false preachers ?
Even so, don’t lose hope… there is still a little True Christianity left, and Bibles still available for the seeking; that is until the Beast outlaws the Bible for 3.5 years in the future, which the Book of Revelation also prophesies… not that there aren’t already laws in the West which essentially make any public reading of the Truth contained in the God’s Word illegal (Satan’s own call it “hate speech”), most especially the parts that define all the many sexual perversions in this world as “abominations”.
Well, moving on, we still need to show how the Roman Catholic Church, which will become a more obvious head of the Beast in the future, was nearly mortally wounded, but then healed.
So how was the Catholic Church almost “mortally wounded” ? This happened when the Catholic Church had all of its political power removed by Napoleon beginning in 1798. And yes, the Church had a lot of political power for many centuries, having deeply embedded itself among many nations, forcing political rivals to fear going against it.
Their "wound" began to heal in 1929, when Benito Mussolini allowed the Roman Catholic Church leadership to once again have political influence, even going so far as to give them their own “country” - the Vatican.
Since that time, the Catholic Church has been laying somewhat low in pretense of “humility”, meeting world leaders, and putting forth some un-Biblical things which this ungodly world barely notices, but which keep nudging the sin of this ungodly world forward, thus enabling this ungodly world to become evermore sinful in the process… and so on.
Therefore, just keep watch, and you’ll notice how the current “Pope” (and all future “Popes”), even though very sly and somewhat patient (just like their father Satan), increasingly attempt to “normalize” all sins throughout society over time.
Truly, it wouldn’t be surprising if the Beast globalists, when they can’t understand why the few remaining God-fearing people of the future still resist them, not only make the Bible illegal, but “convince” (force) all remaining “Christian” practitioners to be under the Beast’s favorite “religious” figurehead (and partner), the Pope, as the only approved so-called “Christian” entity. Time will tell.
------- Revelation 13, Verse 4 -------
4 So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”
Obviously, those who support the Beast are also worshipping the devil (the dragon). They think they’re supporting only people, but not so, because the devil is the one those people work for, whether they even know it or not.
And to be sure, the Godless blind masses are enamored with, and supportive of, the Beast’s ability to impose war on any whom it deems to be lesser powers, whether military-type wars or by psychological campaigns to push their “narratives” (lies).
It’s no different than how the Godless, self-exalting masses themselves treat others they look down upon. (Yes, this does include the many “Christian” hypocrites.)
So truly, they’re no better than the leaders they worship, the Beast who works for Satan. As they do also.
------- Revelation 13, Verses 5 through 9 -------
These Verses, Revelation 13:5-9, are a reminder of what the Catholic Church did during the dark and middle ages, as they and the civil authorities they controlled slaughtered many millions, both directly and indirectly, for resisting the Catholic Church’s false version of “Christianity”, and the power and control the Church assumed by it.
But these Verses are also meant to remind us of how this latter-day Beast of Revelation 13 will end up doing the same, as it follows the template of its spiritual forebears by being embedded in many nations for influence and power.
Truly, this is a Spiritual battle: the Beast and its followers vs. God, Jesus, and theirs.
5 And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months.
6 Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven.
7 It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.
8 All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
9 If anyone has an ear, let him hear.
The “he” here represents the Catholic Church, which has spoken many blasphemies against God over its history (too many to list here, but you can always look them up).
And the modern-day globalist Beast, which also includes the Catholic Church, also speaks blasphemies against God, and supports many ungodly endeavors. They are being used by Satan, who has always wanted to replace God with himself, just as he prompts them to do on his behalf. They think they are wise, but are being deceived.
In Bible-prophecy terms, the forty-two months here means 1260 years, that is, thirty days in a Prophetic month (with a year for each Prophetic day) for forty-two months: 42 x 30 = 1260 years. This was in reference to the centuries that the Catholic Church tried to keep the Bible out of people’s hands, in order to keep the people in ignorance and under the control of the Church.
During that time period, the Catholic Church told people in many nations that “the Church” was the authority, and slaughtered many millions of people, including many saints (the Saved people of God) who did not believe the Church’s invalid doctrines, and resisted the Church’s power and control.
Just as the modern-day Beast has now proceeded to kill millions. How ? Consider the COVID-19 pandemic. First, the Beast funded the development of an unnatural virus which killed millions of people. Then the Beast willfully ignored natural immunity and actively suppressed valid early treatments, in order to push so-called “vaccines”, which also killed many, and caused devastating side effects to many others. And this was done solely for those entities which comprise the Beast. (At the time of this writing, the Beast is still using COVID to enhance profits, power, and control.)
Again, the power of the Beast is Western-oriented, but it doesn’t mean the Beast’s influence stays only within Western borders. The Beast’s evil affects the whole world, anywhere where any segment of a nation’s population - even a nation in the Far East, Middle East, or Global South - seeks to mimic Western covetousness in any realm.
Even so, the world is assuredly splitting into East and West, and will someday meet at the Battle of Armageddon.
No matter. Anyone in the world who supports or acts like most of the current Western leaders do - self-serving, sin-filled, and God-hating - will not be in the Book of Life, and will not be going to Heaven. Why ? Because they are not of God ! In fact, they hate God, Jesus, others, and God’s Commandments, even as the devil deceives them that they are the ones who “love”. But the tree is known by its fruit, and their actions show who they are.
------- Revelation 13, Verse 10 -------
10 He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
This just means that those who ruin others - most especially, but not only, by false doctrine and murderous persecution - will be ruined by God.
But by Faith, God’s True children will be to able endure with patience, to come to their Salvation at the End.
------- Revelation 13, Verse 11 -------
11 Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon.
To first note, in this document, this “Beast of the earth” will now simply be described as “the False Prophet”, because in later chapters of Revelation he’s referred to as that.
As compared to “the Beast of the sea” which arose out of a “sea” of people, the False Prophet arose out of the “earth”; so at the very least this means it’s a different type of powerful entity than the first Beast.
The False Prophet has two horns, meaning two kinds of power. Compared to the first Beast, which had ten horns, this Beast is not quite as powerful. We’ll see that the first Beast is actually the boss of the False Prophet… the Beast as policy maker, the False Prophet as policy enforcer.
The False Prophet also speaks like a dragon.
Now, we know that the dragon is the devil; and we also know that the devil is a liar, as Jesus Himself points out in John 8:44, when He told the evil Christ-rejecting Jews who wanted to Him dead:
“You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.”
So obviously the False Prophet is a liar too. Why ? Because he speaks like his father, the devil/dragon, whom Jesus tells us is a liar with no truth in him. (And to note, the False Prophet is a murderer like the devil, too, as we’ll find out.)
------- Revelation 13, Verse 12 -------
12 And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
Looking at this from the “little people” level of the Western nations, who does the population see as being in “authority” ? Whose laws does it follow ? The answer of course, is the government’s. They do not usually expect that their government is actually owned by other entities higher than it (although many are now starting to see this, at least in a secular way).
But recall that the immoral Western governments are owned by the super-rich globalists who comprise the Beast. And yet they act in concert. The Beast sets the agenda, does the recruiting, and even provides money; and the Western governments implement and enforce the Beast’s agenda, directing, coercing, and sometimes even forcing their populations to comply with it. In other words, the False Prophet causes the people to worship the Beast !
It is clear how the False Prophet IS the immoral Western governments, who answer to their boss, the Beast.
Again, just think of COVID, and what Western governments did: They financed the development of an unnatural virus that killed millions all by itself. Then they willfully ignored natural immunity and suppressed the Truth about valid early treatments in order to coerce people to take the Beast’s so-called “vaccines” which also harmed and killed many others, all to feed the Beast’s agenda for more money, power, and control, all with no concern for the millions of people whose lives they destroyed !
And practically all the Western nations walked in lockstep with this horrible atrocity !
Why ?
Because they together, as the US-led False Prophet, have the same boss - the globalist Beast !
And not only that, but the globalist Beast tries to use the Western Governments under its control to influence other nation-based forums like the United Nations and its agencies like the World Health Organization; and also the European Union (which the Beast created in the first place), all in its quest for even more unelected power !
Using COVID; so-called “climate change”; the push for digital IDs and money; cries of “mis!” and “dis!” information to falsely accuse and demonize those who dare state the Truth that exposes the Beast’s many lies; endless illegal immigration to purposely overwhelm Western societies… with all of these and more, the Beast manufactures one supposed-“crisis” after another in an attempt to push whatever “narratives” (lies) it thinks it can get away with, solely to give those who comprise the mafia Beast more power over the masses, using its bought-and-paid-for False Prophet as both its front and enforcer.
Truly, at the time of this writing, if you take any issue that plagues Western nations and keep following the money up the chain of command, you will almost assuredly end up at the Bilderberg Group, which is either funding it or directing it.
No doubt Satan is well pleased with those who do his work for him. Even so, their end will come.
That said, just a reminder of the entities that comprise the Beast, to keep it in our focus:
The heads of the Beast of Revelation 13 include Western leadership of: Big Religion, Big Banking and Investment Funds, Big Business, Big Messaging (Media/Tech/Hollywood), Big Medical, Big Energy, Big Money Individuals (like Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros, Gates, etc.), among others, each with "spheres of influence" over human lives.
Note: The companies comprising the “Big Banking and Investment Funds” entity of the Beast also are major shareholders in the companies that comprise other individual entities of the Beast, like “Big Medical”, “Big Messaging”, and “Big Business”, so they have lots of influence with their intertwined counterparts (i.e. the heads are distinct but related). But we separate them out for the sake of clarity, instead of just saying something like “the Beast owns almost everything”.
Either way, we must remember that all these entities themselves are either run by or effectively owned by only a few thousand super-rich globalists. Including through soft-sounding “foundations” or other types of tax-avoidance structures, there’s always people behind every entity; and in this case, very evil people who won’t be satisfied until they have it all.
So, to reinforce Verse 12 a little more:
We see the False Prophet exercises all the authority of the Beast, at least from the people’s perspective, since the people obey the laws of the nations, not of the entities that make up the Beast. And yet, they are subjected to the Beast’s agenda by their immoral Western governments, including some of their government’s agencies like the “intelligence” agencies, federal law enforcement, health agencies, and even certain aspects of the military.
And again, this happens because too many government officials - elected or not - are addicted to power. And from the minute they accept any “favors” from any Beast entity, they are beholden to the Beast, and remain held in by either bribery and other riches; or blackmail; or even fear of being killed (although most are corrupt enough to avoid being killed). Only a few escape this evil system once too deeply in it.
------- Revelation 13, Verse 13 -------
13 He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.
The False Prophet performs great signs. How so ?
The Apostle John, who wrote the Book of Revelation, never knew what an airplane was. And yet we take airplanes for granted today. Sadly we also use all sorts of other flying objects like jet fighters, drones, and missiles of all kinds against people.
So, yes, the False Prophet performs “great signs”, that is, a variety of technological feats.
But what about “fire coming down from heaven” ?
This is not the only place in Bible prophecy that speaks of “fire” as weaponry; it’s also the case here.
(Reminder: Even though Bible prophecy points something out, it doesn’t mean God condones it. God just gives Truth.)
From heaven ? Yes. There are three heavens in the Bible: the lower atmosphere where the birds fly; the higher atmosphere starting where the clouds are (and today, where the planes fly), even going all the way out to outer space; and the “third heaven”, where God and Jesus are. So in this case, “makes fire come down from heaven” means from above us in the sky (or near-earth orbit) somewhere.
So putting these together, we see the False Prophet does indeed perform “great signs” (technological feats), and even makes “fire” (weaponry) come down from “heaven” (from the sky above our heads) onto the earth.
Do people see it ? Yes. Sadly they do. And they fear the False Prophet because of it.
------- Revelation 13, Verse 14 -------
14 And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived.
Again, the False Prophet is the interface to the populations of the Western nations, implementing and enforcing the Beast's agenda, all with the Beast’s approval. And he does this by lying, displaying his “power”, and so on.
“Make an image to the Beast” means to comply with the Beast’s agenda, which represents what the Beast wants, and how it wants to be seen. As noted before, the true underlying motive of the Beast’s behaviors is to replace God; to have people worship the Beast instead of God, so the Beast can have total power and control over the earth.
Also, here we see slightly different wording defining the Beast’s former wound: “wounded by the sword”. It means when Napoleon removed the Pope from his throne in 1798, his power was removed by a military, that’s all.
------- Revelation 13, Verse 15 -------
15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.
In other words, the False Prophet is given power by the Beast to implement and enforce (“give breath to”) its agenda (its “image”, as defined under Verse 14), and they’re going to kill those who try to resist.
In still other words, the immoral Western governments are implementing and enforcing the super-rich globalists’ agenda to own and control everything, by compelling the populations under them to conform to the globalists’ lies or else die.
------- Revelation 13, Verse 16 -------
16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,
The False Prophet will cause (compel) everyone to “receive a mark”, meaning something that differentiates them from those who don’t have “the mark”.
Now, in the Bible, the word “forehead” used in this context usually implies “what we think” (i.e. our thoughts). And also in this context, “right hand” implies “what we do” (i.e. our actions or behaviors).
Combining in summary, the False Prophet will compel all people, no matter who, to support in their thoughts or behaviors, the Beast’s sin-filled agenda. Those who do support it have the mark, and those who resist do not.
(Keep in mind, the Beast and its False Prophet took deep root in the Western nations first, because at this time in history: (1) they have been the ones most receptive to Satan’s messaging, and (2) technologically, they were first to develop the means to push the devil’s messaging to the masses.
While true that the Beast and False Prophet do not have total control of the West at the time of this writing, they are certainly intent in their evil minds that once they achieve that, they’ll also be able to gain control over the rest of the world.
To note, one country in particular at this time, China, sometimes acts in concert with the Beast in order to weaken their common enemy, the West, even though China itself is not controlled by the Beast. Only when China pushes all sorts of perversions onto its own population, or mass illegal immigration into its own country to willfully overwhelm itself, can this be reassessed. For now though, as stated, the “mark of the Beast” will continue consuming almost the entire West first, even as the Beast also continually tries to increase its foothold elsewhere.)
Let’s face it, the Beast and False Prophet are not promoting God’s Righteousness, they’re promoting the devil’s unrighteousness. They do not want you to stop sinning; they want you to keep sinning, and to add even more sins to your life.
Why ?
To weaken people through sin; because weak people are easier to direct and control, and are more “disposable” in the eyes of evil people like the Beast and False Prophet.
Disposable ?
Yes. Let’s be frank: The Beast desires chaos in the Western world, to reduce it to rubble, for it’s a lot easier to take over when there are few people left, and of those, few with the strength to resist. The Beast knows the remaining sin-weakened people will give into its agenda, for those who haven’t died outright from all the lawlessness the Beast pushes, or who haven’t committed suicide from overwhelming depression (and there are many who will).
In fact, the Beast’s stated goal is to reduce the population of the earth from its current size of approximately eight billion at the time of this writing, to a mere half billion, most of whom the Beast intends to treat as its controlled slaves to serve the “elites”.
So anything that destroys life (which includes all sins), the Beast and False Prophet push; and they push it at every stage of human life, from birth onward.
They push abortion for the pre-born; they lie to small children about gender, to the point where child-mutilation surgeries and life-destroying hormone treatments are now common; and they push all sorts of abominable sexual perversions at every age, including vast amounts of pornography and homosexuality, and even pedophilia !
Truly, they’ll never stop trying to promote all immodesty and sexual sins throughout society until all public nudity and lewd acts are fully normalized. And not just at bars, libraries, warm-weather places, and “pride” parades, either. It will be hard to visually avoid it, even as you run simple errands like grocery shopping. Even so, it’s only those who are connected to God and Jesus through the Holy Spirit each day who will know how to train their eyes away from that which seeks to destroy them and their families.
Anyway, for any who survive that minefield, managing to somehow pass into adulthood battered but not totally broken, in some Beast-run countries like Canada, they also now push euthanasia (which they of course cover with a “soft-sounding” name)… even for the mentally ill, and even for those who are simply poor !
And never to be forgotten, as part of their death cult, the devil-led Beast and False Prophet never cease to push for war around the globe, never caring the least about, and certainly never considering as equals, the many millions of lives around the world they weaken and destroy with death, oppression, and suffering every single day.
Besides all that, it’s also on the record even now that the Beast and False Prophet seek to make food and material items scarce; and to further treat food with chemicals that reduce life expectancy; and to use “artificial intelligence” to incessantly push Satan’s messaging to the masses (i.e. the Beast’s “narratives”) while censoring the truth, all in an effort to distress the masses even more !
And, to add even more outrageousness to all of their evils, not only do the sociopathic Beast and False Prophet want to literally kill and pervert most of their populations out of existence (leaving only enough to be slaves) while destroying the rest of world with war, the Beast’s “leadership” actually has the audacity to truly believe they can save themselves and live forever by “robotizing” themselves with electronics !
In front of God Who is Witness, they are - quite literally - insane.
They are so desperate to replace God that they deceive themselves with the falsehood that they can somehow keep their flesh alive forever, and that machines can somehow be sentient. They will never succeed of course, because not only do they ignore the absolute God-given fact that the wages of sin is death (yes, their sin-filled flesh will die), they also ignore two major facts regarding machines: (1) a machine has no spirit, and (2) the all-important GIGO rule (since it will be the Beast’s own who program the machines): Garbage In equals Garbage Out.
But let’s pretend for a moment that they actually do believe their own lies. If so, they are still so blinded by hatred that they never even stop to consider that, without Love, it’s all pointless ! (God’s version of Love that is, not their false version based on lusts.)
Can you imagine the absurd levels of pride and self-exaltation such “trans-humanist” nonsense requires ? No better than the “doctors” who sexually confuse young people, give them life-destroying chemicals, and then destroy them surgically, all the Beast’s “doctors” will accomplish as they try to merge flesh with machines is the torture and death of all the helpless animals and humans they experiment on, and nothing more.
As they do not like to keep God in mind, God has given them over to debased minds, and holds them in derision. For He knows it is only HE who holds the keys to Life, not mere mortals, no matter how smart they think they are.
So know this, and remind them of it often: Until the Beast’s “doctors” can make even the most infinitesimal unit of energy OR matter out of NOTHING AT ALL, they do NOT know what God knows, nor do they have even one small iota of God’s Power.
They think they are gods, but without repentance, they’ll soon find out that they’ll die just like men, and not gods.
But, as noted previously, on the way to the Beast’s own death, it will sadly continue to oppress, provoke, and push soul-crushing sins on the masses, all leading to one thing: death.
Truly, the means by which the Beast pushes sin doesn’t matter. The Beast and False Prophet tempt many to agree with their evils, while provoking others to react to their evils in sin. Either way, a bully is a bully, and pushing people to sin is 100% evil.
“… whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!” - Jesus in Matthew 18:6-7
Surely the Beast and False Prophet, even as they live in denial of their own eventual destruction in Hell Fire due to their sins, are well aware that sin is death, and that all sins weaken and destroy people and make it easier to control them, much like a drug pusher selling drugs to weakened addicts.
Just like Satan wants everyone to sin, so do the Beast and False Prophet !
Why ?
To oppress the populations under them into submission in order to control them !
Therefore it’s critical to understand:
Willful sin is the mark of the devil, so also the mark of the Beast !
So please… take a breath and let that sink into your Spirit deeply, for your own sake and for the sake of your family: the mark of the Beast is willful sin.
Know that the Beast and False Prophet seek total lawlessness by the masses if they can get it - with the foremost sin of all being hatred and denial of God and Jesus - and on a scale never seen before in this world’s history.
Truly, this “mark” is something we all know: Satan wants us to sin. God does not. Satan pushes death. God invites us to Life. Thus, to attain True Life, we must reject Satan and sin, and willfully come to God by Whom there is Life. There’s no other Way.
With that, keep in mind though, that if we do not do as Christ did, but instead use the Beast and False Prophet as a cheap excuse to sin, then we have taken our eye off the Only One who can Save us, and that is, God.
That is not to say that we cannot defend ourselves if facing physical annihilation by the Beast and its False Prophet, for all have a right to self-defense. But if we cross the line and become a devil in order to try to destroy the devil, we will end up destroyed ourselves. Better off dead without sin, than ending up dead in sin. For God will surely destroy the devil, the Beast, and the False Prophet in due time when Jesus comes back.
For those who do practice a Walk in Faith, doing what God teaches through His Son Jesus Christ the Righteous, they will be Saved. And yes, that means even if we have to die bodily under duress, just like Jesus did for all those who accept His Amazing Gift.
“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” - Jesus in Matthew 10:28
“Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.” - Jesus in Matthew 10:32-33
So for now, something to consider: Besides the very few already on the Narrow Path and moving forward, it is those who are currently in sin, who no longer want to be in sin, who are the most likely to succeed in a Walk with Christ.
Jesus Himself makes this very clear, that many who are considered last (in this earthly life) will be first, and the first last. The formerly bad-hearted who no longer want to be that way are assuredly welcome in the Kingdom ! It’s a Walk for sure, Spirit against flesh, but if one repents and gets on the Narrow Path, and keeps growing foward in Christ, continually giving up “self” as they allow Christ to mature them, they will be Saved.
“Yes, but what about all the hypocrites ?”
Those on the Narrow Path DO start at the beginning; and if their relationship with God and Jesus is True, their thoughts, words, and deeds should mature in both Love AND Truth accordingly. By that, they should be shedding all sin habits out of their life until gone (as Jesus, His Word, and the Holy Spirit will continually prompt their own Born Again spirit as they remained connected to God). And that’s because a person cannot bear good fruit for God if they are often still stumbling… and bearing good fruit is a Saved person’s job if they truly Love God and Jesus !
But at least the ones still growing forward along the Narrow Path, though they might stumble here or there as they mature, are still Walking forward. If their heart remains True to God, not only will they Blessed along their Walk, they will also be Saved.
But yes, there are an extreme number of the half-hearted who, for years, claim to be “Christian” in words, and yet their behaviors still reveal them to be hypocrites. Why ? Because while they might have started on the Narrow Path, they did not continue, but found comfort in their self-deception that one can be a “verbal only” Christian and no one will notice. But surely many others do notice, in addition to God Who sees all.
This, sadly, is the large majority of so-called “Christians”, the ones who do disservice to God and Jesus, and also to others still in sin; because the others still in sin, in fact even atheists, can see that these hypocrites have not had a True change in their lives (i.e. they are not truly Born Again).
When a so-called “Christian” speaks some “religious words”, even for years, but keeps acting against God’s Commandments with the same persistence in pride, immodesty, and self-seeking as the rest of the world, it is very disinviting to the others still in sin, and pushes them away from God, the exact opposite of what a Christian should do. It bears no fruit and helps no one, and nothing good comes from it.
You can read what Jesus has to say about the half-hearted in the Gospels, and draw your own conclusions. Let’s just say this: no one should be coming part way to Jesus and stopping. It’s literally better for a person to never come to God than for them to pretend to come to God.
Just one example (of many) of what Jesus says about these folks:
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’” - Matthew 7:21-23
To those who believe Jesus, this makes it very obvious that the half-hearted - who sometimes act religious but still continue to keep willful sins - will not end up at the destination they expect.
Besides what Jesus says in the Gospels about this, Hebrews 10:26-31 also attests:
“For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries. Anyone who has rejected Moses’ law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know Him who said, ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord. And again, ‘The Lord will judge His people.’ It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”
Oh, how the half-hearted hate discussing these things ! “Grace, grace, grace” they say, only pointing to God’s part of the New Covenant, while willfully ignoring their part of the two-sided Covenant, that is, actually doing all of what Jesus teaches, including the learning and keeping of God’s Commandments !
Typically, the half-hearted misuse the Letters of Paul in the Bible, cherry-picking and twisting certain verses in order to preach a "version of Paul" that disagrees with Jesus, notably regarding the keeping of the Ten Commandents, which they attempt to mix with Old Testament Jewish Law regarding priests, feasts, sacrifices, and rituals like circumsion, in order to have the Commandments thrown out with the rest.
But the Commandments are eternal, and throughout the universe. Any country has a law of “do not murder”, and in so doing, they have one of God’s Commandments written into their law. If that nation were to no longer exist, would that make murder acceptable throughout the universe ? Of course not !
So the misusers-of-Grace purposely prop up their "mangled version of Paul" as their "savior" instead, hoping their manufactured idol will deliver them at the end. Poor Paul ! (Meaning the real Paul, the one who AGREES with Jesus, in that we are to keep God's Commandments.) In this, the bad-hearted directly oppose the Teachings of Jesus, and grasp at their own wished-for lies which support their desire to keep on sinning without consequence.
But Paul and the recipients of his Letters knew well what he meant, as do all True Believers. In fact, here is what Paul himself (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12) had to say about such bad-hearted, Commandment-denying "religion" which Paul prophesied would appear after his time: "The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
In 2 Peter 3:14-16, the Apostle Peter (who is NOT the first “Pope” as the Catholic Church leadership falsely claims in their desire for a shred of credibility) also warned of this misuse of the Letters of Paul by the bad-hearted. Even Jesus’ half-brother, Jude, in his Letter in the Bible, warned about the misuse of God’s Grace as a license to sin.
Truly, anyone who labels it "work" to NOT murder, steal, lie, covet, commit adultery, dishonor parents, misuse God's name, commit idolatry, or have other gods; or to keep the only Sabbath in the Bible (which is also not work but rest)... such a person refuses both Jesus' Teachings and Sacrifice !
Yes, the half-hearted ARE bad-hearted, and are duplicitous hypocrites indeed, in that their own Spirit knows, yet they smother their Spirit with their fleshly desires instead. And because they claim “Christian”, they will receive greater condemnation for their hypocrisy than those who live in true ignorance, as told by Jesus Himself in His Word.
Also (sadly), we must quickly cover another topic regarding the Catholic Church leadership falsely claiming the Apostle Peter was the first “Pope”.
When Satan realized in the years after Christ that his minions couldn’t entirely kill off the growing Christian movement from the outside, he decided to try to kill it off from the inside instead.
So Satan formed his early so-called “Christian” church, and had its “leaders” scour the Gospels to see where they could try to (falsely) claim power for themselves. But this was done on the devil’s behalf (whether his blind “leaders” even understood that fact or not), because Satan hates God and wants to be God. So his early church “leaders” misused what Jesus told Peter in Matthew 16:17-19 and claimed it was about them !
To explain further, Jesus said this to Peter when he confessed Jesus was the Christ: “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
To start, why did Jesus call Peter a rock on whom He would build His church ?
In the Gospels, if we take special note of Simon Peter, we’ll see what Jesus saw in him: an open-hearted, Faith-filled, child-like person who Loved Truth enough to Grow.
When we learn that Peter's testimony founded the Book of Mark in the Bible (which was written by John Mark, whom Peter also referred to as his spiritual son in 1 Peter 5:13), and that the Book of Mark was also a primary source for Matthew and Luke (both of whom included additional research and witness in their Gospels), we can see how Jesus' Church was indeed built on the Rock of Peter's testimony for Christ !
After all, the three synoptic Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke form the very Foundation of our knowledge about Jesus and His Teachings, a Foundation that perfectly underpins the Chief Cornerstone, Jesus, from which the other stones of the Church, including the witness of the others in the New Testament, could be added in perfect alignment.
This Foundation of witness for our knowledge that forms the very structural basis of Jesus' Church is so well built that all the torrents that have battered against the Bible, the New Covenant, and Jesus' True Church throughout time have never shaken it. It still stands unchanged after many centuries, and will continue to do so for all time, for anyone willing to read. Therefore… Peter ? A Rock ? Ask Jesus. He will tell you what He saw in this fisherman. Praise God that Jesus is also willing to see the Child in us.
But Satan had other ideas regarding the Verses in Matthew 16:17-19, and infused his church with them. The “church” Jesus was referring to was NOT a denomination led by a guy in a pointy hat wearing long robes and carrying a stick, while seeking worldly power and living in the lap of luxury; but a SPIRITUAL church of True believers who know and keep the TRUTH of Jesus’ Word, brothers and sisters who can be in any denomination, or even in no denomination at all, like a house church based solely on the Word of God (much like the churches initially formed by the Apostles).
And Satan really had his early church grip onto what Jesus said afterward, “And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
The Truth is that Jesus was merely telling Peter (and all the Apostles) that, since He taught them the Word (i.e. they were given “the keys of the kingdom of Heaven”), and they whole-heartedly received the Word in completeness, they would be considered trustworthy by Heaven in all matters as they went forth and shared the Word.
(Jesus also knew there were no written Gospels yet; so He knew their trustworthy Word sharing would also set the foundation of His True (Spiritual) church, as they were also guided by the Holy Spirit whom they would receive after His Resurrection.)
But Satan told his false church (i.e. not the church to which Jesus was referring) that they could take what Jesus said to Peter, and claim it was about them instead. So they rationalized it as “being able to dictate Heaven’s policies” (as opposed to “trustworthy Word sharing”), thus elevating themselves to the place of God (in their minds).
Then they pushed this lie onto like-minded people who wanted to participate in this religious grift, thus growing Satan’s church with the help of the pagan Roman Empire over the first few centuries AD.
As we can see, Satan is a very resourceful enemy, and used a very sly misappropriation of Matthew 16:17-19 to feed the early church leaders’ pride and lust for earthly power; a misappropriation they used then, and have been abusing to this day, the entire time pretending to be sheep but never were.
For many centuries Satan had his church try to keep the flock under their control, by telling them not to try to read the Bible for themselves, but only to use “what their leaders say” instead. And this sorry nonsense occurs even up through the present day !
(Note: Like the Jew’s “Talmud”, the Catholic Church’s “catechism” was also meant to divert people away from reading the actual Scriptures for themselves, to deceive them away from the Truth and usurp “religious power over men” for their leaders instead.)
So try this: Tell almost any Catholic Church leader (or Orthodox church leader for that matter) that you want to thoroughly read the Gospels for yourself in order to learn the Word from Christ directly.
In many cases, you would find out just how quickly that “church leader” tries to thwart such “competition” from Jesus, usually by suggesting (with various levels of pretense of concern for your soul) that you need “the church” to discern it for you.
But that would be a lie, because Jesus said in Luke 10:21 (and Matthew 11:25 similar):
“I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them to babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight.”
Also this, from Matthew 18:3:
“Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Jesus quite clearly is telling us the Gospels are easy to understand (and they are!)… for those who are (or become) like little children: sincere, true-hearted, and Faith-filled.
For these, they simply pray and ask for the Holy Spirit and receive it, after which the Holy Spirit guides them into all Truth as they ask, seek, and knock for more. Thus, the true-hearted who sincerely want to know the Word will be led by the Holy Spirit to the Truth of it, including how to discern falsehoods that disagree with God’s Word.
This doesn’t mean they won’t interact with anyone else in the religious realm; but it does mean the Holy Spirit will help them learn how to test the spirits of people they interact with. In this way, the Holy Spirit guides them through the minefield of life, keeping them safely away from anything that goes against the Truth of God’s Word.
But for the still-hard-hearted who see themselves as “wise and prudent”… the Gospels’ meaning remains far from them, as they seek only to misuse the Word for selfish ends, and that includes wolves in sheep’s clothing who try to use religion for earthly power.
Even one read of the Gospels makes it clear that the job of every Christian is to grow and bear fruit (to share the Gospel Truth with others). Nowhere does Jesus tell us to divert others toward “church leaders” who try to keep people from reading the Bible.
Consider this too: The Catholic Church leadership (falsely) claims Peter was the first “Pope”; and the Book of Mark contains Peter’s testimony regarding Jesus Christ (a testimony also used in the Books of Matthew and Luke); and yet they don’t want you to read their supposed “first Pope’s” simple testimony in the Gospels on your own ?
Something is amiss, to say it kindly.
Of course, as a deceptive cover, Satan also had his early church come up with false claims trying to tie Peter to “Popehood”, in order to explain away the true meaning of the Verses above and claim power for themselves. But while Peter has total credibility, the Catholic Church leaders have none… because they lie like their father, the devil.
In fact, in the Bible, there’s no Christian church - whether in the Book of Acts, or Paul’s Letters, or the churches in the Book of Revelation, or anywhere else - that was “Catholic”, or even denominational. They were all simply just “Christian”.
Peter even said in his second letter how he would be "putting off this tent" soon, that is, he would be dying soon (he was crucified, believed to occur in the later 60s AD), with no mention of anything at all about being “Catholic” or having any position in a church of Rome. Nor is there any witness from any other Bible writers who knew Peter regarding such a thing. And note, the Book of Revelation, written by John (who also wrote about seven churches himself, none of which were “Catholic”), was written close to the end of the first century AD. So even near the end of the first century AD, there are no Biblical ties of a “Catholic Church” back to any of the Apostles.
Plus, the Catholic Church leadership’s grift is easily seen in other ways, since they don’t actually keep or preach the entire Word Jesus preaches, but only some of it as they slyly slip in their deceptions to try to keep power for themselves in many areas which do not align with Christ’s Word.
And consider: Why would the “gates of Hades” even try to prevail against a church that worked with Satan and not against him, as he had them pose as “angels of light” to help him form his version of a “Christian” church ? The devil would NOT work against it, because as Jesus tells us, the devil is not divided against himself.
“For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.” - 2 Corinthians 11:14-15
Yes, the Catholic Church gets corrected, but not by Hades. But by people who know Bible Scripture, and want Catholic laypeople to at least know the Truth.
But notice, the gates of Hades have NOT prevailed against the True (Spiritual) Church of True believers who know and keep Jesus’ Word in the Gospels, the church to which Jesus was referring when He spoke with Peter. And that’s because God Himself made sure the Gospels have survived intact even to this day, no matter how many of Satan’s own conspired to prevail against the Books since they were written.
In fact, the entire Bible stands just as strong as ever, even though it’s the most beaten, criticized, and turned-inside-out-and-upside-down Book ever in this world's history. The Bible has been loved, hated, set on fire, and treasured, and has taken everything in stride and unscathed, much to the dismay of the many spiritually-dead unbelievers who have gone down to the grave unable to dent the Rock.
That said, don’t be deceived by what the Catholic Church does right, for it’s not what we do right or “good works” here or there that get us to Heaven. (The Catholic Church leadership certainly uses some people at levels beneath them to do “good works”.)
After all, God is not mocked.
God knows that most people are not "all evil".
He also knows that even many unbelievers might do some good works here or there.
Therefore, we are not Saved by what we do well, for our doing well is expected by God and Jesus; not for a reward, but because of sincere Love and a good heart.
(And, as Paul suggests, no one will "boast" their way into Heaven.)
Therefore, the Wisdom of God and of His Judgement is this:
God knows that "the bad keep bad, but the good do not".
This is all God needs to know about a person in order to judge them, because it defines their heart.
Thus, the lost will be lost merely by not seeking and acting on the Truth they know is good, no matter what good they might do otherwise (see also Matthew 7:21-23).
And that includes any who seek to keep willful sins, or willful ignorance, or who attempt to twist God's Word to suit themselves.
To repeat this critical point again:
God is never deceived, and sees easily that:
Bad-hearted people might still do "some" good things; but in not wanting Truth, they will still willfully keep bad.
Good-hearted people will also do good; but in seeking Truth, they will not willfully keep any bad as they grow in conviction.
That's because good-hearted people, as they Walk forward along the Narrow Path, end up Loving God and Jesus more than themselves, and also others as themselves, knowing God's Word is good, as shown by their repentance, forgiveness of others, and the keeping of God’s Commandments.
So once more for emphasis of this very critical point:
It’s not what we do right that gets us to Heaven.
It’s what we keep willfully doing wrong in sin that gets us sent to the other place.
And it’s easy to see that Catholic Church leadership willfully continues in a lot of sin.
As does Orthodox Church leadership.
As does Protestant Church leadership.
As do all the Christ-rejecting Jews.
As do the hypocrites. And seculars. And atheists. And pagans. And idol-worshippers.
If this seems like most of the world to you… it is.
That’s because most of this world hates God and Jesus, and Their Word, and has no idea of the coming destruction such sin will soon bring.
(sigh) (again)
Well it’s not the intent of this document to spare people from having to read the Bible.
So if one doesn’t want to keep these things in mind, or just as importantly, learn what sin truly is - by the Bible’s definition and not their own unfounded “impressions” - they are in true danger, and assuredly end up with the mark of the Beast.
With that warning, you are urged to know the Gospels well, to listen to Jesus, to pray for the Holy Spirit, and do what He says. If you do that in Spirit and in Truth with a good heart, you will be guided to Salvation from the atrocities on the earth that are now ramping up, and which will bring this world to its conclusion.
To close our Verse 16 discussion, let’s review the final ending of those who have “the mark of the Beast”:
“Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, ‘If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.’” - Revelation 14:9-11
Those who do not have “the mark” are the saints of God, having two vital characteristics: “Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.” - Revelation 14:12
Note that again. The Saved (i.e. the saints) keep God’s Commandments and the faith of Jesus. Thus, the saints shed all willful sin out of their lives as they continue to Walk forward on the Narrow Path, and end up with the same faith Jesus had when He went to the Cross, that is, total reliance on God to keep His Word.
If we look at that again closely, we see it’s merely the keeping of the New Covenant between God and His own !
So take your pick. Come to God, repent, forgive others, and learn from Jesus, so you can shed sin’s destruction from your life (by learning the Bible’s definition of what sin actually is), thereby being able to bear good, unhypocritical fruit as we are all called to do; OR live a relatively God-free existence, whether claiming “Christian” or not. One leads to eternal happiness in Heaven, and the other, eternal destruction in Hell Fire.
With no third option, let’s also keep this Most Important key in mind: a person must truly Love God and others to get on the right path, for Love is the Foundation of all.
Indeed, God’s Love for us is WHY He created us, and why He tells us what is Good, Right, Lovely and True, including the morality He wants us all to live by. All parents should Love their children this way ! And we also know that we should do the same.
Let’s move on.
------- Revelation 13, Verse 17 -------
17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
What ? The False Prophet is going to keep people from buying and selling if they resist the Beast’s agenda ?
Yes. In fact, the False Prophet is already well-practiced at this.
Do we not know the Western nations have been sanctioning other nations for decades at this point ?
And do we not remember what Canadian government (as part of the False Prophet) did in early 2022 ?
The Canadian government falsely accused as “violent” a few thousand people who were peacefully protesting the COVID-19 “vaccine” mandates in effect at that time, after which, the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister (both connected to the Beast through the WEF, along with much of the Canadian Cabinet), froze many of the protesters’ bank accounts, and even threatened to do the same to anyone who gave any financial support to the protesters ! The False Prophet acting on behalf of the Beast, indeed !
So the False Prophet falsely accused people who peacefully resisted, and then froze their bank accounts. But instead of Canadian government officials being arrested and charged with attempted murder for freezing the personal bank accounts of people who needed the money for their sustenance, nothing at all happened to the False Prophet evil-doers !
This was no doubt a “practice run” towards perfecting the False Prophet’s methods of implementing the Beast’s policies, methods that will only accelerate in the future in all Western nations as they seek to enforce digital IDs and money.
Spend money on things “unapproved” of ? Accounts frozen !
The Beast and False Prophet really do hate God and the “little people” they look down upon. Even so, God and Jesus will have the final say for them.
------- Revelation 13, Verse 18 -------
18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.
This is the last Verse of Revelation 13, a relatively well-known one even in the secular world, most especially for the number ‘666’.
Instead of explaining it in this document, there is a decent web page on this topic here.
While your author does not fully subscribe to everything on that website, it does a good job with this topic.
To be brief, it has to do with the pagan religious origins of Satan’s own “Christian” church, the early Roman Church, which we know is still a part of the Revelation 13 Beast today.
Yes, the devil speaks a little truth, but only to keep people blind to his many lies. Secular or supposedly-“religious”, all parts of the Beast act the same, because corrupted religion only breeds bad morality and sinful behavior into society at large.
The key is to not listen to any person or entity who lies even once without repentance.
For truth-tellers almost never lie, but if they do happen to (rarely) stumble, they quickly repent and correct themselves. But liars will lie often without repentance.
If there is any good news about the very evil Beast and False Prophet, it is that they will be thrown into the Lake of Hell Fire 1000 years BEFORE Satan. To know this, see Revelation 19:11 through Revelation 20:10, taking close note of Verses 19:20 and 20:10.
Much of what’s going to happen on the earth between now and the time of the End (when Jesus comes back) is quite troubling. And yet it doesn’t have to end badly for any given person, if they have a True relationship with God.
We should keep in mind that God foresaw all these things well before the earth was, and was kind enough to tell us about them by having the Apostle John write them down for us over 1900 years ago. Why ? To encourage people to be on God’s side, and not Satan’s. All we have to do is see it, and come to God if we haven't already.
You are Loved, you know. By God, Jesus, perhaps family, but also by many people you don’t even know.
Please keep that in mind, and be Saved... for yourself, for God and Jesus, and for those who will Love you in Heaven. Amen.
When we realize that Revelation 13 is now taking place before our very eyes, it does not mean the end of this world, when Jesus comes back, is going to occur within a decade or two. In fact, it is quite possible that we are merely getting a glimpse, although a very clear glimpse, of the Beast at this time (as of this document’s writing in 2022), because it pushed so hard to forward its agenda as much as possible with its man-made COVID pandemic, perhaps before getting beaten back for a little while by still-resisting populations.
Even so, the devil is quite patient. And advances in technology have quickened the pace by which the Beast and False Prophet can operate. So even if they do get beaten back a bit for a time, they will still be pushing for their next opportunity to continue their quest to control the world, beginning with the continued destruction of Western society by manufactured chaos and degradation in sin, one wave at a time to wear out their victims (their populations) until they can finally take over.
But know this: God sees it all, and He’s not mocked. The Beast’s and False Prophet’s doom is not forgotten, and will assuredly be visited upon them in the proper time.
But even now the rest of the Book of Revelation has things to look out for, not the least of which are the seven seals, the seven trumpets (smaller but still very severe events warning of the coming plagues), and the seven bowls (the final plagues)… all the warning signs God is going to give to try to gather in any more people who would be Saved before the end of this world («link!).
Which brings us to this question: Besides the Beast and False Prophet pushing evil, what, exactly, is next ?
Well, this document understandably isn’t going to go through the rest of Revelation line-by-line. Nor could the rest even be known in full detail at this time, because some pieces still need to clarify over time. But within the framework we can know so far, we can deduce that the trumpets and bowls (together the “plague era”) come after the seals, and that some of the seals have already been opened since the time of Christ. But not all of them.
It is very likely the Fifth Seal has to do with those who were martyred in centuries past, with God telling them to rest a little while longer (meaning “in death”) until the rest of their servants and brethren (in the future) are slain as they were. Well, the future is getting here, if it is not already, since we know that Revelation 13 is now taking place. And while there were a few believers martyred over the last couple of centuries, it’s going to be even much worse soon; perhaps even as bad as, or worse than, the middle ages during the persecution of the saints by the Catholic Church.
If this is the case, then the Fifth Seal is already done. It’s the cry of the currently sleeping (that is, dead) martyrs, wondering when God will avenge them. And it includes the answer God gave to them in John’s vision. It doesn’t mean all the rest of the martyrs of the future will have to be slain before the Sixth Seal takes place.
So that brings us to what very well might be next: the Sixth Seal. Let’s show it here, from Revelation 6:12-17:
“I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood. And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place. And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, ‘Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?’”
So we can see there will be a mighty earthquake; so mighty that even all people everywhere, even the evil-doers, will know it’s a sign from God, and that God is very angry with all the wickedness that humans do on this earth.
In addition, this particular earthquake, besides its magnitude, will be accompanied by certain, obvious, “cosmic disturbances” in the sun, moon, stars, and sky, thus differentiating it from all other earthquakes ever known.
And when will it occur ? Anywhere from the time this is being typed to closer to the end of this world («link!), while leaving still enough time for the trumpets and bowls (the plague era) to take place. To reiterate, this sixth-seal earthquake will mark the beginning of the plague era.
And how long will the plague era (the trumpets and bowls together) be ?
We are a given a clue, based on the fifth trumpet, that the plague era will be more than 150 years, since the fifth trumpet itself is going to occur over a period of “five months”, or prophetically speaking (with a prophetic day equating to one literal year): 5 prophetic months x 30 days in a prophetic month = 150 literal years. This is not to say that all the trumpets and bowls (plagues) will last that long, but it does tell us that the plague era will not just be a few weeks or months and that’s it.
Now, the link above contains the absolute proof from Bible Prophecy that the end of this world will take place in one of three given years between 2450 AD and 2700 AD. (Yes, many will doubt that. But their doubt does not erase the certainty of the matter. Those willing to read with no preconceptions will be convinced by the proof.)
So in general, we can consider that the plague era will be a couple hundred years at least, and maybe even double that or more. If we take the earlier portion of the time frame of Jesus’ Return (2450 AD), and allow for 350 to 400 years for the plague era to be carried out for example, it’s not inconceivable that the sixth-seal earthquake could even happen this century (the 21st century). But of course, if that 400 years was even longer, the sixth-seal earthquake could conceivably happen as this is being written* !
(*Although, based on Revelation 13 only becoming more obvious within the last few years, it does seem a little soon.)
What cannot be denied is that mankind - almost all of which walks in blindness to these things - cannot conceive of the destruction about to befall him for willfully spurning all good things from God.
Then, at the End, Jesus will come back and take His own away from this earth, and will destroy the rest.
(And yes, you read that correctly; all those not taken to Heaven with Jesus at the End will be destroyed, that is, killed. And God’s Word doesn’t lie. Any who refuse to Love by living in the Truth will be Hell Fire bound.)
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