The Beast Church of Bible Prophecy
NOTE: This document doesn't point out the things it does to condemn any church's laypeople, but only to prompt those who might currently be misled by harlot churches to think on these things, and to ask, seek, and knock in prayer with God to show them the Truth, that they may have Salvation by the knowledge of His Word, and not by the word of men who use religion for power and money.
Satan, coveting God's position in the Universe, wants all people to worship him instead of God.
We know the devil even tried to tempt Jesus to do this... but of course, the Lord showed each one of us how to make Satan flee, by using Scripture accurately, and keeping God's Word.
And so, after Jesus' Birth, Life, Ministry, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension, by which the Lord equipped any True Believer with what they need, Satan (who tried to kill Jesus even from the womb) felt even more threatened, and became even more desperate in his age-old desire of wanting all to worship him. Satan was determined to deceive any potential Believers away from the Word of Christ.
To this end it didn't take Satan long to learn that it would be much easier to simply make his own version of a Christian church, instead of fighting harder to completely defeat the original Church begun by the Apostles of Jesus. With his own church, the devil could make a system of counterfeit worship to deceive many people away from God and toward himself. It would have to seem “religious” on the surface, but still accomplish Satan's goal of fighting against God and Jesus, just as he did in the Garden of Eden by deceiving our original parents away from the explicit Commandment of God.
So, this is exactly what the devil did over the early centuries A.D.; he molded a new and different type of church that not only tried to act like God's and Jesus' substitute on Earth, but also tried to change God's Commandments.
In fact, the beast church of prophecy is still at large and well known, the supposed largest of all churches people might associate with Christianity, and with multitudes of members to whom the devil is more than happy to give 60% Truth to be used as cover, in order to also pass them his substitute poison amidst the other 40% of what the church thinks, speaks, and does.
Don't believe it ? Find out for yourself by looking up the beast's official “catechism” manual.
At the time of this writing, the edition on the beast's website, also translated into English there (by them), was: CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH - Latin text copyright (c) Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Citta del Vaticano 1993
Also, to aid in the location and content of the beast church's “catechism” manual as it relates to the discussion in this document, here are the pertinent website links, at the time of this writing: (Part Three, Section Two) (paragraphs 2112, 2113) (paragraphs 2130, 2131, 2132) (paragraph 2141)
While we cannot review the entire beast “catechism” manual in the discussion below, we can at least review a representative sampling, enough to prove its fraudulence when compared to a Real Bible.
Now, to begin, if we compare the beast's version of the Ten Commandments (at the first link above) to God's Real Commandments in a Real Bible (Exodus 20:2-17 and also Deuteronomy 5:6-21), we find that the beast's version is not the same !
For instance, by comparing the first two Commandments, even a child can see that the beast church has attempted to "sneak in" God's Real Second Commandment against idolatry at the bottom of their version of God's First Commandment, attempting to combine the two in such a way as to make God's True (and separate) Second Commandment a minimized afterthought.
This should surprise no one since the beast church is nothing if not idolatrous, be it with statues or the church's worship-desiring leadership whose own father leads it.
The word "father" in this case means the devil, but it is no surprise that the leadership of the beast church also refers to themselves with this same title since it is directly against what Jesus teaches regarding religious titles for men (Matthew 23:9), thereby being blasphemous as well.
Now, if you happen to be one of the few who are willing to dig a little deeper, you'll see that the beast's “catechism” manual does not contain the full text of God's Real Second Commandment, even as they try to "sneak it" by on the bottom of their version of the First Commandment, because doing so would clearly expose their idol worship.
Instead, if you notice the beast's explanations regarding their definitions of idolatry and graven images (the other links above), you will see how the beast deceitfully attempts to rationalize and cover their desired fraudulence, that of... idolatry.
To further see this, let's first put God's Real Second Commandment here, from Exodus 20:4-6 (NKJV):
“You shall not make for yourself a carved image – any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.”
So it's fairly simple to take the Letter of the Law and see the Heart of it, just as Christ wants us to do (He Himself giving examples of how to do this in Matthew 5 regarding murder and adultery):
(1) Idolatry is giving some form of devotion or reverence (worship), that belongs only to God, to something that is not God, thus crediting God's Own Power to something that is not Him.
(2) Idols are anything that people, in their actions or heart, give worship to instead of God. And that includes “icons” (a term that the beast uses to deceive people away from the word “idol”), which become an idol the instant a person bows down to it or talks to it or lifts their heart up to it in any way.
(3) If we don't keep God's Commandments, we hate Him, and should expect that our own children will be more likely to give in to the temptations kept in front of them by their parents.
(4) If we keep God's Commandments, we Love Him, and will have Mercy given to us. And our own children will be much more likely to make the same choices, and receive the same Mercy.
It's not too hard. It's only hard to those who actually still insist on bowing down to idols, like the beast, and thus its children, whom it prompts in like manner. That said, let's investigate how the beast, in its “catechism”, tries to slither out of keeping God's Real Second Commandment.
Well, the first thing the beast does is a good thing, that is, in only slightly confusing language, it condemns polytheism (paragraph 2112 at the second link above); and in this way it seems to take a stand for the Truth. The beast even seems to define idolatry in a proper way, noting it includes more than just “false pagan worship” (paragraph 2113 at the second link above).
How good of the beast, no ? That's what the devil wants us to believe, and why he placed it first. The problem is that the beast church does not actually practice what it seems to say at first. As one continues in the beast's “manual”, it becomes apparent that the beast then tries to undo their first admission by the use of rationalizations regarding idolatry that follow, hoping their latter conversation will help the reader forget the nugget of Truth that even Satan himself couldn't deny.
For example, the beast tries to justify their idols by comparing them to things in the Bible that are NOT idols, as though they are the same thing (paragraph 2130 at the third link above).
Well, no one ever bowed down or prayed to the Ark of God or the Cherubim on top of it. They only bowed down and prayed to God, Whom the Bible clearly says dwelt between the Cherubim.
And no one in Moses' day bowed down to or prayed to the bronze serpent Moses made for a specific purpose directed by God (see Numbers 21:4-9).
Deceptively comparing one's idols to things that are not idols is a lie. Who does Jesus say is the father of lies (in John 8:44) ? Yes, the devil.
Yet, if the beast church still wants to point to the bronze serpent as a reason why their idols are okay, they might want to avoid pointing their congregation to 2 Kings 18:4 which explains how in later times the children of Israel sinned as idolators by burning incense to it and even naming it. Because of this sin of giving worship to it, God had King Hezekiah break it in pieces, just as God always wanted (and wants) regarding so many of the other things the people used (and use) as idols.
In addition, the beast church “manual” says (paragraph 2113 at the second link above), “Man commits idolatry whenever he honors and reveres a 'creature' in place of God.” That part is true as well. Bible Verses describing the idol worship of creatures include Romans 1:22-25, in which Paul gives examples of exactly the types of idols he's talking about - “an image made like corruptible man – and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things” (NKJV, emphasis added).
But how often the beast church puts forth a nugget of Truth before pulling it back and replacing it with falsehood, as seen by what happens next.
Like Paul, the beast church also provides examples of idols following the true statement they made at first based on Scripture. The beast's list is: “<false> gods or demons (for example, satanism), power, pleasure, race, ancestors, the state, money, etc.” Note how the beast's list is purposely incomplete, in that it EXCLUDES images !
But Paul's list INCLUDES any and all images - like statues, wooden carvings, and all the other images the beast church has its own bow down to. And so we see the devil's evil in the beast: Mix the poison amidst what's good, and the people will not discern.
Yet, if the beast church wants to disparage Paul by their definition of creature-based idolatry, they might want to avoid pointing their congregation to Mark 16:15 (NKJV) in which Jesus tells His Apostles to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every “creature”, which obviously means every type of living, breathing human beings.
Because, let's face it, the beast church also tells its own to bow down to their human “church leadership” (among other people). Shall one bow down to the devil incarnate ?
Devil incarnate ? Yes. Because it is only Satan who seeks that people worship him instead of God, as he even tried doing with Jesus (Matthew 4:9, Luke 4:7). But Jesus soundly rebuked Satan by the proper use of Scripture, saying that we shall worship and serve God only (Matthew 4:10, Luke 4:8).
But the devil surely keeps trying, as seen once more in the beast's “catechism” manual, suggesting also the worship of images of Angels and “saints” (paragraph 2131 at the third link above).
Of course, coming right out with the word “worship” would expose the beast for what it is: an idol-worshipper and instrument of the devil. So the beast slyly uses the word “veneration” instead (a synonym of the word “worship”, meaning the same thing), in the hope that the blind will not notice.
It is not surprising, since Jesus and all of God's Word explicitly forbids the worship of Angels or people. And not just an image, but even if the Angel or person is standing right in front of us ! (See Exodus 20:4-6; Acts 10:25-26, 14:8-18 (note 15); Colossians 2:18; Revelation 19:9-10, 22:8-9.)
To say the Catholic Church makes an idol out of Jesus’ mother, Mary, would be a vast understatement.
(Not to mention the Eastern Orthodox Churches’ leaders who do the exact same thing, and who also push “icons” for their people to bow down to and lift their hearts up to.)
Another thing: Who gave the beast the right to determine who a “saint” is ? Certainly not God.
God's Word is clear that saints are the Saved, those who are Born Again, who Walk not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit in an ongoing relationship with God in prayer, knowledge of His Word, and contemplation and interaction with the Holy Spirit. True saints are driven by their Love for God and others, seen by their repentance, forgiveness of others, and the keeping of God's Commandments. Only God determines the Saved. Only Satan tries to appoint himself in God's place.
But truly, what should we expect from the beast who also tries to claim the Apostle Peter as their “first Pope” ? Of course the Apostle Peter is NOT the first “Pope”, but that doesn’t stop the lying Catholic Church leadership from desperately trying to use him in their desire for a shred of credibility. (sigh)
Moving on, is there any more deceit in the beast's “catechism” manual regarding idolatry ? Yes.
In an act of almost unbelievably brazen audacity (paragraph 2113 at the second link above), the beast says, “Many martyrs died for not adoring 'the Beast' refusing even to simulate such worship.”
That's true too. So what's the evil in this ?
The beast church ITSELF is the very “beast” who killed those millions of martyrs !
This aspect of the beast's evil is like a thief, who, as he's leaving a place he just robbed, tells the arriving police officers that he saw who did it and thinks they went “that way”. How insulting that the beast's “catechism” manual contains such diversion to deceive the unsuspecting, in order to cover the beast's killing of those who refused to worship Satan's substitute church as an idol.
Murder. Lies. Who does Jesus tell us was a murderer from the beginning and the father of lies (in John 8:44) ? Yes. The devil.
For more of the beast church's lies, at the very bottom of their manipulated version of the First Commandment, it shows an “in brief” section, for people who want their fraudulence kept short.
Believe it or not, in the “in brief” section (paragraph 2141 at the fourth link above, also similar to paragraph 2132 at the third link above), the beast concludes their false testimony with this: “The veneration of sacred images is... not contrary to the first commandment.”
Yes, reader, you are correct on all three counts:
(1) By “first commandment” in that sentence, the beast means only its attempted substitute version of God's Real First Commandment,
(2) that by suggesting such an abomination, the beast is a bad-hearted, deceitful liar who also breaks God's Real Ninth Commandment, and
(3) God's Real Second Commandment still stands strong as ever, explicitly forbidding idolatry.
Yes, Satan is evil, subtle, smooth, and false, but we should be well aware that he is certainly not unintelligent. With his power behind the beast church, it was obvious that if he subtracted one of the Commandments from the Ten by trying to minimize and attach it to another, people might notice.
Not to be outdone, we can see once more in the devil's own “catechism” manual that, slyly again, he attempts to split God's Real Tenth Commandment into two, thereby adding up to ten once again. In that way, as fraudulent as it is, the beast church can declare, "See, we have Ten Commandments !"
It is no coincidence that the devil had the beast church come up with its own “manual” soon after the recently-invented printing presses of the time began to mass produce Bibles for people to read, after so many centuries of the beast trying to prevent Bible-reading. The beast knew it had to act quickly to try to divert the laity from the Truth, hoping the congregation would accept the devil's shortcut substitute, the beast's lying and corrupt “manual”, instead of simply reading God's Word.
Of course, all of this is in addition to the devil being behind the attempt to change God's Real Fourth Commandment as well regarding the proper day of rest. In these days of technology, it doesn't take one long to look up "Constantine", "Council of Nicea", and "Council of Laodicea" in regard to the Sabbath (with a discerning heart for Truth, flicking away the many lies spewed to defend Satan's wishes) to see how the devil's substitute and counterfeit day of rest finally became enacted through civil and then religious channels that flowed right into the devil's own church, not that the beast church doesn't take credit for this abomination openly (they do).
But as we should all come to know by seeking and learning from the Bible, God explicitly commands all of us to keep the Sabbath, that is, the Seventh Day of the week (or Saturday as it's known).
From the Book of Genesis at the beginning to the Book of Revelation at the end, the Seventh Day is the ONLY day of rest commanded by God in the Bible. God kept the day Himself on the Seventh Day of Creation week, blessing and sanctifying it, as His Real Fourth Commandment itself reminds us. And that was thousands of years before the first Jew (Abraham) ever existed ! Jesus also tells us that the Sabbath was made for man (mankind), not for just this group of men or that. And the Commandment says that even animals shall be rested on the Sabbath. Let’s ask: Are animals Jewish ?
In addition, the Seventh Day is the ONLY weekly Sabbath day kept by Jesus and ALL the New Testament Apostles and writers and their followers (including Gentiles), a point that cannot be refuted in front of God.
It is also clear that Jesus never spoke of any change to the Sabbath day of rest. As a matter of fact, Jesus even rested in the tomb on the Sabbath prior to His Resurrection on the first day of the week ! And if that's not enough, Jesus, speaking of a future time to come, a time well after His own death, said, “And pray that your flight may not be in the winter or on the Sabbath.” - Matthew 24:20 (NKJV) So it is certain that Jesus Himself willed no change to the Sabbath, either in His lifetime or after His lifetime.
That said, let's also remind ourselves that the New Covenant was sealed by Jesus' own blood. Can we change someone's last will and testament to suit ourselves after they die ? If we did that, we would clearly be disobeying their will. Jesus had the right to change any of the Ten Commandments during His earthly lifetime, but He did not do that. Christ never changed the Fourth Commandment, nor any other of God's Ten Commandments. In fact, Jesus spoke His Will and left no doubt, teaching “till Heaven and Earth pass away”, God's Law wouldn't change one bit (Matthew 5:17-19, Luke 16:17). And from the moment Christ died on the Cross, the New Covenant became, and remains, unchangeable.
But the devil, by hatred for God and love-of-self, sought to change God's times and Law (Daniel 7). And the only Commandment in God's Law regarding “times” (rest days) is the Fourth Commandment.
Over the early centuries A.D., Satan molded his forming beast church with enough hatred, lies, and pride to give birth to a vain attempt to alter the day of rest to the first day of the week (Sunday). He did this simply by working through his children, those who would not give up their pride enough to see how the devil stokes them to commit his flagrant acts of self-exaltation against God.
To not be caught in this lie, Satan, slyly as ever, even to this day, has the beast church (and its offspring) use another lie, that of insisting it is done this way "because we want to honor Jesus." How evil, and deceptive the devil is ! By contrast, Jesus clearly teaches us, repeatedly, that if we Love Him, we'll keep His Commandments (John 14 and 15). There is nothing at all in the Bible that says, "If you Love Me, throw out My Commandments and try to replace them with your own."
In fact, even King Saul in the Old Testament took a direct commandment of God’s and modified it to suit himself, also claiming, like the Catholic Church, that he only did it that way because his people wanted to worship God ! Not only did it end up in death for Saul, but also for his sons who were with him. Any attempt to change God's Commandments to worship Him as we please, instead of how He wants us to worship Him, is not worshipping God at all. As with Saul, our pride ends as suicide.
As well, in Matthew 7:6-9 (NKJV), Jesus said to the Pharisees who - similar to the Catholic Church - also tried replacing God’s Commandments with their own:
“Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written:
‘This people honors Me with their lips,
But their heart is far from Me.
And in vain they worship Me,
Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’
For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men…
All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition.”
Only the devil wants his personal substitutes for God's Commandments, again, to deceive people away from God and Salvation, and toward him, the devil, instead.
Thankfully, using a Real Bible, we can simply find out Jesus' Own words and actions regarding God's Commandments, and do the same.
And thankfully again, using a Real Bible, we can find out that these actions of Satan and his own are foretold by God through the prophet Daniel, in the amazing prophecy of Daniel 7. If one asks, seeks, and knocks, they will be shown who the Fourth Besast of Daniel 7 is, and many of the “pompous words against the Most High” (blasphemies) the devil-powered beast has spoken against God, even from its inception through the present day. What else should anyone expect from a beast that tries so hard to be the self-appointed substitute for God on the Earth ?
In addition, the Book of Revelation contains even more prophecy about the beast harlot church, and what is going to happen to it, and to any church who does similarly to what she, the mother harlot, does. It is not a pleasant ending.
Nor is it a coincidence that in the Bible, God often refers to idolatry and all forms of substitute or false worship as "adultery" against Him, therefore showing why the beast church is also referred to as “the mother of harlots” (Revelation 17:5, NKJV).
Is it really surprising that the beast church refers to itself as the “mother church”, or that this “mother of harlots” is “arrayed in purple and scarlet” (Revelation 17:4, NKJV), the same colors the beast church's leadership frequently wears at their gatherings ? They mock their own, confident in their belief that none of their followers will read the Bible, in order to notice what they should.
But there is no reason to be deceived ! We must simply read Jesus' Gospel teachings and notice the difference between what Christ says and what any church does. If a church does not keep what Jesus teaches without attempted alterations, it is critical for our Salvation to leave that church.
God Loves us jealously, and yet so many cheat on Him with the devil, plenty of whom are not even aware they have been deceived because they merely accept a cheap substitute, like a “catechism” manual or even someone else's tradition, instead of simply reading the Bible for themselves and praying to God for guidance through the Holy Spirit to help them do just as Jesus teaches.
We should not follow anyone who does anything against what Jesus teaches, for as Jesus warns us:
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.”
- John 10:1 (NKJV)
“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.”
- John 10:10 (NKJV)
Only Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. From Jesus we learn plainly that Love for God and others is shown by repentance, forgiveness and Mercy, and the keeping of God's Commandments.
Where any one of these is missing, a loud alarm from the Holy Spirit should go off in our Spirit.
We should not be fooled by any person or group who tries to build an image of repentance or Mercy, but who shows disregard for, or attempts to manipulate, any of God's Commandments. True Love does not exist without the Truth, and no person can possibly Love God if they refuse to accept His Word.
Not that God doesn’t forgive true ignorance. But once we know the Truth, practicing willful ignorance becomes defiance, the basis of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, the Unforgivable Sin.
Finally, if we've been indoctrinated to believe that forgiveness comes by confessing our sins to a mere man, who is not an unblemished judge, and who can only become toxic himself by hearing the sins of the congregation, or that we have to “work off” our sins in some way, then we must choose to leave that indoctrination behind.
Yes, we should replace things we stole, and correct any lies, and make other things right, if possible, with those we’ve sinned against; but not to “pay off our sins” at a price determined by a “religious leader”.
Truly, all these abominable things that men have made up in an attempt to replace God… they are sin against God and Jesus, period !
So simply read the Bible instead, and rest assured knowing that God and Jesus easily forgive the truly repentant who confess their sins to Them, and accept Jesus' blood as payment for their sins.
Of course, we should not go on continually repeating the same sins for which we have repented, lest our repentance be proven false. As Jesus said, after repenting, we should “sin no more”.
Even so, we might fail again. But our failures should become less and less if we Love God and Jesus more than “self”… even to the point of shedding all willful sin out of our lives ! Indeed, Jesus wants us keep Walking forward along the Narrow Path with a renewed heart and behavior, surrendering to God's Commandments because of Love.
So therefore, the focus should be on God and Jesus and what Their Word says, and NOT on men seeking power through “religion” who tell us many falsehoods.
Thus, regarding the harlot beast church, anyone associated with her is called by God to:
“Come out of her, my people,
lest you share in her sins, and
lest you receive of her plagues.”
- Revelation 18:4 (NKJV)
God cannot make it any clearer than that.
*** NOTE ***
Please, if you look at the website links above, do not be lulled into actually drinking the poison. It's one thing to look at poison contained in a bottle, but another to ingest it.
Know that there is no reason for anyone to EVER use a substitute “manual“ instead of God's Word.
Also be aware that the beast puts “footnote” marks in its text that one might assume are from the Bible - IF they do not actually look at the footnotes, which in many cases, are simply the beast quoting its own.
But as Jesus tells those who would commit such fraudulence: “How can you believe, who receive honor from one another, and do not seek the honor that comes from the only God ?” - John 5:44 (NKJV)
Finally, please know this – the devil is well aware that soup that contains even a little poison will kill you. Well, the beast's “catechism” manual contains more than a little poison, enough to destroy one's Salvation. So PLEASE... keep God's Revelation 18:4 Warning and be Blessed.
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